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Visita Preparatoria 3...2...1 Action!

Palermo, 27 Febbraio 2015

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Si è appena conclusa la visita preparatoria dello Scambio Giovanile 3...2...1 Action!, cofinanziato dall'Unione europea nell'ambito del programma Erasmus+. I group leader/rappresentanti delle organizzazioni italiana, romena, armena, moldava e polacca hanno incontrato i responsabili dell'Associazione Uniamoci Onlus a Palermo dal 25 al 27 Febbraio 2015 al fine di discutere gli aspetti organizzativi e gestionali del progetto, le responsabilità ed i compiti di ciascun partner nelle varie fasi di svolgimento dello scambio, dalla preparazione all'attuazione ed alla disseminazione dei risultati. Un incontro proficuo che ha portato ad una definizione condivisa del programma di attività, delle metodologie e strumenti da utilizzare.

Adesso avviamo i preparativi per il grande evento di Marzo, sempre in contatto con i nostri partner e con la loro collaborazione!


Selezionati i film da vedere durante lo scambio

Palermo, 15 Marzo 2015

In seguito ad un sondaggio on-line tra i partecipanti, sono stati individuati i tre film che verranno proiettati e discussi durante lo scambio.


Nelle settimane precedenti il gruppo  di partecipanti per ciascuna delle organizzazioni coinvolte nello scambio ha proposto un film correlato alle tematiche progettuali. Un sondaggio ha consentito di determinare tra i film proposti, i tre film che sarebbero stati proiettati durante lo scambio.


I tre film col maggior indice di gradimento sono stati:

- IDA ( Paweł Pawlikowski - Poland 2013);

- A film for friends (dir. Radu Jude, 2011);

- American history X (Tony Kaye – USA 1998)


L'organizzazione moldava CREATORII  ha proposto la visione di tre cortometraggi da essi stessi prodotti, che sono stati proiettati durante le attività e non hanno fatto parte della survey.


Di seguito la lista dei film messi a votazione:


  • A film for friends (dir. Radu Jude, 2011)






















The 58 minute of this production passes as a medium-length movie, but as far as I can say, it borrows from both the short and the long-length type of film and, after watching it, I might add that it's heavily inspired by the confessional – theatre act-like method. It's an independent film and it have the feel like one, although it's very cautiously and meticulously crafted. The actors are all professionals and raised in the spirit of the theatre so that the plot of the film (which is based on a fictitious one-shot recording of a video camera) will come to look as genuine and, by the end of the movie, truly shocking and horrifying.

            The drama is a centered on Cristuțiu, a former professor finding himself sick of everything and determined to end his life. The troubles started because of the decline of his marriage, the routine and tediousness of being a professor which made him fall in a downward spiral – finally deterioriating his social life and falling downwards into reclusiveness. Cristuțiu uses the means of the video recording as a hopeless cry of help, as a final will and something much more gruesome which will take a curious tragicomic path.

            This 2011 film is inscribed in the neo-realist post-communist genre which achieved a particular success in the european film contests and it's marked by the  anguish and struggle to find a way out of the hollowed dampness which surrounds the romanian social landscape.



  • "Don't worry", Ukraine 2014
























The movie scenes take place in New York, Barcelona and Kyiv. Big cities are always full of life. The only way to stay tuned is to move together with the cities. However some people don't follow the main stream, they create their own one.



  • „I cento passi” (M. T. Giordana - Italy 2000)
























"I cento passi" (one hundred steps) was the distance between the Impastatos' house and the house of Tano Badalamenti, an important Mafia boss, in the small Sicilian town of Cinisi. The movie is the story of Peppino Impastato, a young left-wing activist that in the late seventies (when almost nobody dared to speak about Mafia, and several politicians maintained that Mafia did not even exist) repeatedly denounced Badalamenti crimes and the whole Mafia system using a small local radio station, with the arm of irony. In 1978 Peppino (30 years old) was killed by an explosion. The police archived the case as an accident or a suicide, but his friends never accepted this thesis. Note: This is a true story. More than wenty years after Peppino's death, the case has been re-opened. Tano Badalamenti, meanwhile, has been convicted in USA for drug traffic.

Written by Pasquale Foggia



  • IDA ( Paweł Pawlikowski - Poland 2013)
























Anna, a young novitiate nun in 1960s Poland, is on the verge of taking her vows when she discovers a dark family secret dating back to the years of the Nazi occupation.



  • Live in harmony
























  • American history X (Tony Kaye – USA 1998)






















The film tells the story of two Venice, Los Angeles brothers who become involved in the neo-Nazi movement. The older brother serves three years in prison for voluntary manslaughter, changes his beliefs and tries to prevent his brother from going down the same path. The film is told in the style of nonlinear narrative. It was given an "R" rating by the MPAA for "graphic brutal violence including rape, pervasive language, strong sexuality and nudity".

Critics mostly praised the film and Norton's performance, which earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. In September 2008, Empire magazine named it the 311th Greatest Movie of All Time.





Visita Preparatoria

Palermo, 25 e 26 Febbraio 2015

Visita preparatoria a Palermo, con la partecipazione dei Group Leader delle organizzazioni partecipanti al progetto.


Verranno svolte le seguenti attività:

- KNOWLEDGE MEETING: participants introduction; presentation of the participating organizations; general presentation of the project

- General discussion on objectives, activities and methodologies of the project.

- Visit to the University, some parks where the activities will take place (and some touristic attractions!)

- PLANNING MEETING: Discussion about the Program, timing, organization and location of the activities, logistics and accommodation of participants, practical arrangements; Definition of task, duties and responsibilities of each partner; discussion on the monitoring, evaluation and dissemination activities.

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Notte degli Oscar

Palermo, 23 Marzo 2015 - Gold cafè

Notte delgi Oscar, condotta dai partecipanti Valeriya Horyayeva e Gevorg Melkonyan. Nel corso della serata verranno proiettati in Prima Visione il cortometraggio scritto e realizzato dai partecipanti del progetto "3...2...1 Action!" dal titolo "Walking in my shoes", un video riepilogativo delle attività svolte ed un video contenente un messaggio sociale contro la violenza. Le proiezioni saranno inframmezzate dalla premiaione di alcuni partecipanti con le consueta statuette d'oro! L'evento terminerà con la proiezione di una presentazione multimediale che conterrà le immagini di tutti i partecipanti.

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