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An Erasmus+ International Youth Exchange exploring Human Rights, held in Palermo, Sicily. 


Be European: act with pride! - beap is a social project whose main objective is to promote the respect for the human dignity in spite of diversity; it aims to stimulate young people to analyze and deepen the topic of respect of the human rights.


The youth exchange Be European: act with pride! will be held in Palermo from 23th to 30th June 2015. It will involve 24 participants (4 per Country), aged between 22 and 30, and 6 group leaders coming from Italy, Spain, Azerbaijan, Georgia, United Kingdom and Romania. 


The activities will include:

- group building activities

- deepening on the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights  and case-studies on actual situations of their violation

- workshop the planning of the active participation in Palermo Pride


A great experience which changed my mentality, I can understand people and society better.

Tea, Romania


Absoloutely prime dynamite!” Jack, Scotland


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