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Be European: act with pride! - beap is a social project whose main objective is to promote the respect for the human dignity in spite of diversity; it aims to stimulate young people to analyze and deepen the topic of the respect of the human rights and to compare the specific problems faced at this regard by the participating Countries, finding concrete modalities to stimulate a  change in the community aimed at the rootedness of the values of the human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity, and acting personally to raise the social awareness of young people and state the importance of the human rights.

The youth exchange Be European: act with pride! was held in Palermo from 23th to 30th June 2015. It involved 24 participants (4 per Country), aged between 22 and 30, and 6 group leaders coming from Italy, Spain, Azerbaijan, Georgia, United Kingdom and Romania. Young able-bodied and disabled people, coming from different  Countries and cultures and from different socio-economical contests, cooperated in a supportive and inclusive atmosphere, implementing the following activities:

- group building activities

- deepening on the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights  and case-studies on actual situations of their violation

- open discussions for the  identification of effective strategies for the diffusion of the European values in the daily life

- workshop the planning of the active participation to the Palermo Pride

- management of a meeting based on peer education with the University students on the project theme

- deepening on the role of Europe in the defense of the human rights

- streaming of a web radio programme

- workshop for the creation of products for the dissemination of results: web-site, final booklet, articles

- multicultural evenings;

- visits to places of historical and cultural interest in the city of Palermo

- exploration of the Erasmus+ programme and follow-up plan activities.

The activities were continuous, different and  not long-lasting; they were implemented thruogh non formal and informal learning methods based on peer education, learning by doing and the work in small groups, able to assure everybody's active participation through the task division.

This was valorized by the meeting among young people with different cultural backgrounds and the intercultural dialogue that took place in an atmosphere characterized by tolerance and solidarity, able to  promote social inclusion and to disseminate the ideals of equality and peer opportunities through the creation of a cohesive group were everybody had his specific role and he actively participated to the ongoing activities.


The programme of the youth exchange:

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